Hijama Therapy


Dry Hijama - Cupping

Dry Hijama – Cupping

Hijama or Cupping is a therapy in which a glass jar or a cup is placed on the skin surface at specific points and air is removed to form local congestion. This method improves blood circulation and blood purification. Records of cupping therapy date back 3500 years and it is still used today by many Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners.

It is said that Prophet Mohammad (SAW) Peace Be Upon Him recommended “Hijama” to his people. Hijama is an Arabic word that means ‘sucking’ a form of Arabic Traditional Medicine for wet cupping where blood is drawn by vacuum from a small skin incision for therapeutic purposes and as a major treatment for many diseases.

It seems that this therapy might have been introduced by Chinese. However, historically there have been some evidence that cupping or blood letting as a therapy was used in Egypt more than 3000 years ago also, thus it might have been introduced by traders coming and going from Arabian peninsula to Egypt or coming from Egypt to Arabian peninsula.

Hijama or Cupping is of three types:

  1. Wet Hijama
  2. Dry Hijama
  3. Dry Massage Hijama

Wet Hijama - Cupping

1. Wet Hijama – is a process of using a vacuum at different points on the body but with incisions (small, light scratches using a sterile surgical blade or disinfected razor) in order to remove ‘harmful’ blood which lies just beneath the surface of the skin. It is recommended that wet cupping (Hijama) is only administered by a cupping therapist).

Dry Hijama - Cupping

2. In Dry Hijama we just use vacuum  cups on different areas of the body to gather the blood in that area without incisions.



3.  Dry massage Hijama  is similar to dry hijama but  different type of oils are applied to the skin (before applying the cups) in order to allow easy movement of the cups and then cups are moved in a particular directions.

How We Combine  Four Different Types of Method?

We take a Holistic healing approach by combining Hijama with Acupressure, Reiki and optionally Homeopathy if a person so desires.

The theory is that over time you accumulate lot of stagnated blood and toxins in your body, the harmful cells like old lymph, old medications the so called old debris, then there are also energy blockages and unhealed emotional wounds.

By applying Hijama at particular Acupressure points creates a local congestion and brings these toxins at the surface; the so called ‘bad blood’ can be removed either through wet or dry massage Hijama. In case of dry massage Hijama the movement of the cups stimulates blood flow by dilating blood vessels and disperses the stagnation thus allowing the lymphatic system to carry these cellular wastes out of the body through the excretory system naturally. While Homeopathic therapy helps in boosting the body’s vital force to fight against different ailments and Reiki energy takes care of the emotional blockages.

Thus this combination helps in getting rid of the toxic elements, reduces inflammation due to vasodilatation, opens the energy and emotional blockages, boosts the body’s immune system and relaxes the whole body.